2017 Silver Show
2017Championship Silver Show
The Silver Show was held in the afternoon with judge Miss E.Cross. Another entry of 50 Griffons greeted her and the weather continued to be beautiful with sunshine and blue skies.
This time Best in Show was awarded to a young red rough dog, Shigriff Should Abeen a Cowboy, bred by Michelle Gurney and Caroline Elder and handled by Christine Langford. This is her first Griffon and it was the first time she had traveled from northern NSW to attend the Griffon Specialty so it was a great win for her and very exciting.
Reserve in Show went to another Shigriff dog, the Reserve Dog CC, Ch Shigriff Sexy and I Know It, bred by Gurney and Elder and handled by A Barber. He is the son of the BIS winner at the Gold Show
The two winning bitch awards went to the same two girls as the Gold show
Bitch Challenge was again Ch Balliol Gertie Giggles owned and bred by M Parker Brien and handled by C Parker
Reserve Bitch CC was Ch Statuesque Hoochy Poochy bred by F&L Pieterse and owned by C Jones

The trophies for the Silver show were practical dog items with big soft dog beds and blankets. As with the Gold show all winners also recieved a bag of AlaCarte biscuits
Best in Show Shigriff Should Abeen a Cowboy- owned and bred by C Elder and M Gurney and handled by C Langford. Also Dog CC and Best Intermediate in Show
Reserve in Show -Ch Shigriff Sexy and I Know It- owned and bred by C Elder and M Gurney and handled by A Barber. Also Reserve Dog Challenge and best Australian Bred in Show
Bitch Challenge and Best Open in Show - Ch Balliol Gertie Giggles, owned and bred by M Parker Brien, handled by C Parker
Reserve Bitch Challenge Ch Statuesque Hoochy Poochy bred by F & L Pieterse and owned by C Jones
Judging best in Show - Dog Challenge Winner Shigriff Should Abeen a Cowboy and Bitch Challenge Winner Ch Balliol Gertie Giggles
Best Baby Puppy in Show - Beaufox Comte De La Fere, owned and bred by J Wistuba. Getting a cuddle from the judge
Best Opposite Baby Puppy in Show- Nagpuni in the Midnight Hour, owned and bred by T Odell
Best Minor Puppy in Show - Nevafollo The Chosen One- owned and bred by A Barber
Opposite Minor Puppy in Show - Nevafollo the Magical One, bred by A Barber and owned by V Mercer and A Barber, handled by V Mercer
Best Puppy in Show- Shigriff Suitably Attired, owned and bred by C Elder and M Gurney, handled by K Elder
Opposite Best Puppy in Show- Shigriff Shake It Off, owned and bred by C Elder and M Gurney, handled by K Elder
Best Junior in Show- Beaufox Jemima Puddleduck, owned and bred by J Wistuba
Opposite Junior in Show - Ch Nagpuni Secret Agent ( channelling his inner Biggles) owned and bred by T Odell
Best Australian Bred in Show- Gr Ch Balliol Gellert Grindalwald, bred by M Parker Brien, Owned by J Tremenheere and M Parker Brien , handled by J Tremenheere
Opposite Australian Bred in Show- Ch Balliol Jinny Juniper, owned and bred by M Parker Brien, handled by A Barber
Opposite Open in Show- Ch Raweke Tyrion Lannister bred by S Thomas ,owned and handled by S Ward